Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Keep Calm and Enjoy Christmas

Are you looking forward to Christmas day or dreading it? Do you have high unrealistic expectations? Do you imagine the day as being full of love and co-operation, lots of fun and happy children?
What is your previous experience, was it beautiful, fun, full of laughter, a “Hollywood” Christmas or a disaster?  - More likely somewhere in between. 
Whether this is your first Christmas as a family or tenth, the key to having a great day is to have realistic expectations.  If your children squabble and bicker most days – don’t expect Christmas day to be any different.  Christmas can be a very stressful experience and leave you feeling disappointed.
I have put together my top tips to help you have a lovely fun day.
1.     Plan ahead – “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. Benjamin Franklin

By having a plan and sticking to it you will feel in control.  Simplify Christmas dinner; children just want to play with their new toys! Prepare the trimmings the day before and consider buying a boneless ready stuffed turkey.
2.    Ensure you have a selection of batteries available for those toys that need them.
3.     If you have really young children, Christmas morning present opening can be overwhelming. Consider spreading opening presents over the course of the day.
4.     We often invite relatives for Christmas that we don’t really want, out of a sense of duty. If you feel you have to see them, then consider inviting them on another day over the Christmas period, when everyone is likely to be calmer.  And remain realistic.
5.     Put the glass tree baubles away for a few years, it’s not forever.  Buy some child friendly soft, fabric decorations, so when your toddler pulls them off you won’t get stressed out.
6.     Don’t do everything yourself, Enlist the help of your partner, older children and parents.
7.     Get outside, even if its raining or windy.  Wrap up and enjoy the outdoors, being outside helps get rid of pent up energy and irritation – leaving you all feeling much calmer.  Remember there is no such thing as bad weather only the wrong clothes.
The key to a great Christmas day is Planning and Perspective.  Have a great Christmas.